Haunts are Bloodlines-friendly locations in Second Life. They can be bars, clubs, roleplay areas, or just places to hang out and meet other Bloodlines players. Click any of the haunts below to view more information about it!


ASG Haunted Tour 2023 (0)

Angels of Savage Gardens is a clan founded in love and friendship. All are welcome here at ASG.

ASG Haunted Tour 2021 (0)

ASG Haunted Tour 2021. Angels of Savage Gardens is a clan founded in love and friendship. All are welcome here at ASG.

ASG Haunted Tour 2023 (0)

ASG Haunted Tour 2023. Angels of Savage Gardens is a clan founded in love and friendship. All are welcome here at ASG.


I am the immortal Buddyden. From out of the fire I have fought and survived the wrath of my secret enemies. I may not be YOUR King, but I am a King by birthright. I take what I want. Be warned, I mean business.

ASG Haunted Tour 2021 (0)

ASG Haunted Tour 2021. Angels of Savage Gardens is a clan founded in love and friendship. All are welcome here at ASG.

MoonBlackFire Horde (0)

MoonBlackFire Horde


NÉMÉSIS est la déesse de la juste colère et de la rétribution céleste. Elle est parfois assimilée à la vengeance et à l'équilibre. Elle est aussi un messager de mort envoyé par les dieux comme punition. Elle châtie ceux qui vivent un excès de bonheur chez

Ravens Claw Capital (0)

Ancestral homeland of Raven's Claw Clan. Travelers and explorers welcome. Be mindful we are a society of hunters but are social and honorable. The Clan affairs and government are administered from here.

EVUN Temple Homelands (0)

V*************V Ex Vita Un Nex family members. V*************V From a Life of Death we are the undead, we are Vampires, Lycans, Demons, Angels, Hybrids, and Humans brought together by bloodlines and second life. Determined Well

Souls of Wisdom (0)

Souls of Wisdom precents Halloween - remembering our ancestors and loved ons

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