Fancypanz Resident

Fancypanz Resident

Destroyed of Sempiternal Guild
8th-Gen Vampire
[--in Eternal Shrine--]
Soul Keeper: CoyleOh Resident
Member since: 5/19/14
Charisma: 0


I knew what I had to do that day and I made myself this solemn vow that I's gonna be a lady someday though I didn't know when or how. I couldn't see spendin the rest of my life with my head hung down in shame. You know I mighta been born just plain white trash, but Fancy is my name.

Vital Blood

Legends War (0 / 173)

No achievements for this war yet!


Season Seventeen

| 3.16-4.27 O Season Pass

Season Four
4.1 to 5.31

O 211 / 50000
O Season Pass

Legends [ Level 1 ]

Fancypanz Resident hasn't joined Legends yet!


Potions shown are currently owned, unused potions.


1 / 179
L2 x1
Voyager 2
Visit Bloodlines Haunts, and click the Haunt signs to get info on them, number in one day.
L2 x1

L1 x1
Visit Bloodlines Haunts, and click the Haunt signs to get info on them, number in one day.
L2 x1

L1 x1

Soul War

Current Medals

No medals for current Soul War.

All Medals

No Soul War Medals.


Total: 0 Unique: 0

No textures found.


Fancypanz Resident does not own the Rage.

Fancypanz Resident does not own the Ascent.

Fancypanz Resident does not own the Torment.

Fancypanz Resident does not own the Virtue.