CronosJustice Resident

CronosJustice Resident

Revenant of Sempiternal Guild
Soul Keeper: GingerSzat Resident
Member since: 2/15/14
Charisma: 0


After castrating & disposing his father, he ruled the cosmos; driven by fear of a prophecy that he would then be overthrown by his sons, he swallowed them up as soon as they were born, but for the youngest, Zeus, who was hidden away on the island of Krete. Thank Gods that as a man, Zeus forced him to disgorge his offspring Hades & Poseidon, & they became powerful Gods themselves. He then retired & took a studio apt on the Elysian Islands where he now enjoys sunsets & long walks on the beach.

Vital Blood

Legends War (0 / 173)

No achievements for this war yet!


Season Seventeen

| 3.16-4.27 O Season Pass

Season Fifteen
12.16 to 1.31

O 205 / 35000
O Season Pass
Season Four
4.1 to 5.31

O 211 / 50000
O Season Pass

Legends [ Level 1 ]

CronosJustice Resident hasn't joined Legends yet!


Potions shown are currently owned, unused potions.


2 / 179
L3 x1
Voyager 2
Visit Bloodlines Haunts, and click the Haunt signs to get info on them, number in one day.
L3 x1

L2 x1

L1 x1
World Travels 2
Visit Bloodlines Haunts, and click the Haunt signs to get info on them, total.

Soul War

Current Medals

No medals for current Soul War.

All Medals

No Soul War Medals.


Total: 0 Unique: 0

No textures found.


CronosJustice Resident does not own the Rage.

CronosJustice Resident does not own the Ascent.

CronosJustice Resident does not own the Torment.

CronosJustice Resident does not own the Virtue.